Stop Wasting Money On Air

Stop Wasting Money On Air
Nowadays, if you ask anyone who has at least heard of mining what is needed for this, he will answer – powerful equipment. But an experienced miner knows that this is not enough. In order for your equipment to function effectively, you need to take care of its cooling. If you don’t take this into account ahead of time, you run the risk of having equipment fail before you pay for it. Since we are involved in mining to make a profit, let’s look at how to avoid wasting money on air.


Nowadays, the most frequent way to cool mining equipment is to use air conditioning. But in the meantime, this cooling method is also the least effective. There is a more effective replacement: Immersion Cooling. This is a fairly new technology in the mining industry, but we insist that it is worth more attention.

Immersion cooling allows for a much greater density of processing capabilities by removing active cooling components such as fans and heat sinks. The smaller “data center” can provide the same performance as the data center of a more significant scale, which can be easily flexed into urban areas with limited space.


For instance, the ASIC Antminer S9 consumes about 1350 watts of power and requires 4000 cubic meters of air per hour. As you can see here, to protect against overheating, you need additional regulation, which means additional expenses in cooling facilities, ventilation, specialized regulators, maintenance. In addition, it consumes extra electricity. Meanwhile, problems like dust still exist. Dust accumulates static electricity, which, in the long run, can lead to equipment failure.

Close to mute state
In addition, you will have to deal with noise. One ASIC generates 75 dB of noise, which is acceptable, but with more than 1000 ASICs, it can cause tremendous discomfort, especially for someone who is constantly tending to the farm, almost 24 hours a day.


We all know that the profitability of equipment depends on hashrate. so the more you stack your equipment, the more you need an effective heat removal system. Here’s the thing: different parts of the equipment do not generate the same amount of heat. In addition, continuous operation negatively affects the life of the equipment due to the lack of thermal stability in the case of air cooling.


Box Technology has conducted extensive research and is ready to present its own approach to cooling – based on an impressive cooling system that provides a complex solution for the placement of mining equipment. This approach can solve the main problems of the mining industry.


The immersion fluid eliminates the key problem of equipment failure: temperature drop due to uneven cooling air supply and overheating. In addition, the use of liquids makes it possible for dust to accumulate. Another advantage of immersion liquids is the high density of equipment placement. Since you don’t need all this extra air conditioning, it greatly reduces power consumption, which is a savings of more than 20% over previous expenditures. In addition, the Box technology installation works without any noise due to the elimination of the regular cooling system for the devices.

40KW Immersion Cooling Box from BoxTechy
Our single-phase immersion tank product solutions have proven to be more energy efficient and scalable for deployments across the globe, while being environmentally friendly and safe, reducing the total energy consumption of data centers and improving power usage efficiency (PUE) to well.


Looking at the current market situation, we can know that there is no better alternative to immersion system cooling based on the price-to-quality ratio. Therefore, the Box technology method of equipment cooling reduces power consumption, exceeds the life of the equipment, and increases its productivity. By the way, immersion cooling is safe, noiseless, eco-friendly and does not require special maintenance or frequent replacement.

Box Technology is your reliable supplier of immersion cooling boxes/containers, Just choose us!

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20 years of experience in the production of large equipment. liquid cooling equipment is the greenest and most effective solution.

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